42 Prague and C

  • C

Technologies used

  • C
  • Git
  • Unix
  • Duck for debugging


42 is a coding school that was founded in Paris, France. It's a school that doesn't have any teachers, but instead relies on peer-to-peer learning. I decided to give it a go, because in my journey so far, I found out that I'm not really moving forward at the speed that I would like to. After the month-long piscine in October 2022, I was accepted at 42 Prague for the core curriculum program, and I found out that 42 is a great alternative that suits me well.

My Experience

I've been studying at 42 Prague since January 2023. I've learned a lot about C and Unix, but also about myself. I've learned how to learn, how to be more efficient, how to be more patient, and how to be more confident. I have to be honest, recently, I've been slackin' a bit, but I'm trying to get back on track. While my main goal is to be a succesful web developer, I would also like to learn more about C, low-level programming, and operating systems.

The social aspect of the school is also very important. I've met a lot of great, smart and inspiring people.


October 2023: So, life happened and I haven't been going for quite a while. My web development journey has been going great, so I decided to focus on that. I'm still planning to finish the school, but now I'm not sure when.


This article is a work in progress. I'm planning to add more information about the school, the projects that we do and my experience in general.

Do you have a project in mind?

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