Lollipop Movers

  • React
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Astro

Technologies used

  • React
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Firebase
  • Astro


Lollipop Movers

Lollipop Movers

Lollipop Movers is a moving company based in Amsterdam, Netherlands. They needed a website to showcase their services and allow customers to request a quote.

My Role

I was hired as a freelance developer to build the website. I was responsible for the design, development, and deployment of the website.

In reality, this was my first real React project.

Further Development

For now though, it's a work in progress. Currently I'm developing the admin panel for easier management of the requests.

Seeing the power of Next.js, next thing on the list is to migrate the website to Next.js.

October 2023: The client reached out to me and asked me to integrate the form with Privyr. This meants that I had to handle API requests, which was fairly easy. I was planning to move everything to Next.js, however, now I believe that to be an overkill. That's why for this SPA I've used Astro. And Astro is quite fun. 🎉

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